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  The Legend 5M 2008-08 0002.jpg - "The Legend" a five mile trail race held in Sleepy Hollow State Park, Laingsburg Michigan on August 2, 2008. A great day for a run in the woods, not to hot, not raining, dry trails. A good time, and hopefully a better "time" next year!  
The Legend 5M 2008-08 0003
The Legend 5M 2008-08 0004
The Legend 5M 2008-08 0007
The Legend 5M 2008-08 0008
The Legend 5M 2008-08 0009

"The Legend" a five mile trail race held in Sleepy Hollow State Park, Laingsburg Michigan on August 2, 2008. A great day for a run in the woods, not to hot, not raining, dry trails. A good time, and hopefully a better "time" next year!
See map
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